Igloo City

Igloo City

Igloo City is an In-house created project, developed in Unity.

It should be pre-installed on all outgoing Igloo Immersive Players as part of our Demo Content offering.

It’s a simple to control application, with a large world to explore. Demonstrating the power of Unity’s rendering capability; Maintaining 60 frames per second with 6 camera outputs in such a large environment. The project files are a perfect demonstration of how to manage level of detail and occlusion within a project.

Starting Igloo City

As part of the demo suit, Igloo City will be setup within the Igloo software. Either as an Icon within Igloo Home, or as a session available within ICE.

So to launch the software, it’s as simple as loading the session or selecting the Igloo City icon within Igloo Home.

Igloo City Icon

Controlling Igloo City

With Interactive Office being built using the Unity based IglooToolkit, it has the ability to be controlled by all devices that are supported by the Igloo system. Including, but not limited to; Optitrack, VRPN, Xbox, Steam, Igloo Touch, and ICE control Panel.

Forwards direction is maintained by the crosshair on the Igloo output; pointing the crosshair and pressing Up on a controller or joystick will move the player towards the direction of the crosshair.

If moving up or down in the world is required, positioning the crosshair at the floor or ceiling and then pressing forward will cause the Igloo to float up or down respectively.


There are some adjustments that can be made to the scene using some on screen settings.

The settings allow you to adjust certain lighting and post processing parameters, which will alter how the demo looks.

It can also be hidden using the X in the top right hand corner of the screen.

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(c) Igloo Vision Ltd. 2023