Igloo Reflect v2.7+

Igloo Reflect v2.7+

Igloo Reflect is an extension of Unity Reflect, which allows you to conduct immersive reviews, and connect design and construction. Bring multiple BIM models with all their metadata to real-time 3D and maintain a live link between them.

You can use Igloo Reflect to bring Revit, Navisworks, SketchUp, and Rhino projects into a real time 3D scene.

Starting Igloo Reflect

  • Ensure the Igloo Warper is running.

  • Ensure the Igloo Control app is running.

  • Start Igloo Reflect from the start menu, or using the windows search function.

  • Within the Igloo Warper GUI (or via the control app, or Touch OSC) Enable the IglooUnity external application.

  • The warper should now look like this, with only a view of a skyline.

    Warper with Igloo Reflect Active

You might have a user interface on the Warper screen, in which case you can interact with it there. But the most likely situation will be a blank sky, with a user interface on the screen.

Signing In

  • Igloo Reflect requires the following to be able to sign in.

    • A Unity Account (Standard or Pro)

    • An Igloo Reflect Unity Subscription, activated on the same account.

  • With both accounts and subscriptions you can proceed to the Igloo Reflect desktop UI and click the blue login button.

  • A web page should open, allowing you to sign in to your Unity account. Once complete, it should re-open Igloo Reflect, and you should now be signed in. This will be shown by your initials in the upper right hand corner, along with any Reflect projects you may have created already

To create an Igloo Reflect project, please follow an appropriate guide below.

Opening a Project

Local Projects

Local projects are annotated as the server that they are located upon.

Projects not local to the IMP you’re using will have the name of the machine instead. These projects cannot be opened, despite having the open and download buttons illuminated blue.

A local project can be opened immediately, and does not require to be downloaded.

Cloud Projects

Cloud projects will have the annotation ‘Cloud’ and require downloading before they can be opened. This is achieved by pressing the download icon next to the three dots button.

If the project is already downloaded, just clicking on the project name, or image, will open it immediately.

If it’s not yet downloaded, it will still open, but will download first.

Viewing a Project

Click the image or name of a Local or Cloud project will being the loading process. You will see the model being built around you inside the igloo, as the various parts of it are loaded into the scene. Once complete you will be able to move around using the joystick on your controller.

This is the basic Igloo Reflect experience, and you are now able to navigate around your model in a 360 immersive environment.

Reflect Sync

To enable the Reflect Sync feature, whereby cloud based edits can be viewed as they are made in the original program, click the Sync icon.

Once it doesn’t have a line through it, sync is active, and changes made to the cloud model will automatically be updated in the scene. Provided that the person pushing to the cloud model also has sync enabled in their BIM development environment.

Change from Desktop UI to Canvas UI

If you wish to interact with the Reflect UI on the Igloo Canvas. Either using ICE control panel, or Igloo Touch.

You can switch the UI in Igloo and UI on Desktop switch at the top of the UI.

Help Mode

Instead of explaining what every Icon within reflect does. We’ve created a handy Help Mode feature.

By clicking the Help icon in the top left (indicated by a scholars hat), you will enter help mode. Then clicking on any other button will generate a popup explaining what it does.

I have an Issue!

For issues with Igloo Reflect, please contact myadvocate@igloovision.com or use the help desk. A ticket will be generated for you, and an appropriate member of our tech support team will contact you as soon as possible to assist you with your problem.


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(c) Igloo Vision Ltd. 2023