Igloo ArcGIS [ESRI]
Igloo ArcGIS is an extension of the ArcGIS Unity SDK, which allows you to view the full range of ArcGIS mapping systems and data within a 360 space.
Installing Igloo ArcGIS
Use the installation wizard to install Igloo ArcGIS.
If using Igloo ICE follow these instructions to setup the application as a session when running it for the first time
If using Igloo Home follow these instructions instead.
Open the created Session, or open from the newly created Home tile.
The warper should now look like this, with a blurred map beneath the skyline.
Loaded basemap of ArcGIS
The map loads in based on internet connection speed, as all maps are hosted online via Esri’s database system.
Changing the Basemap
The basemap is the ‘bottom layer’ map within the scene, you then add data, 3D assets, and vector tiles ontop of the basemap.
There are many basemaps to choose from via ESRI Home, and we’ve included the most popular basemaps as quick selection tiles.
Changing the basemap requires changing the menu to Basemap mode, and then either selecting a basemap from the included samples, or using the Custom Basemap function to add your own.
Changing the basemap does require the new basemap to be downloaded and unpacked. This may take some time depending on your internet connection.
The Measurement Tool
To measure the distance between two locations, click the Ruler icon to open the measurement tool.
When on this page, the tool is active.
Using the red crosshair, select two points using either a mouse click, or the A button on an Xbox controller. A marker will appear on the map in the locations selected.
Once both locations have been defined, the resultant distance will be calculated. A feint green line will overlay the map showing the path.
The Unit type can be changed between Meters, kilometers, Feet, and miles.
Clicking Clear will remove any defined markers from the map.
The Route Planner Tool
To generate the time taken to travel via car between two points on the map, select the Route tool.
Whilst on the Route menu, you can place two markers on the map; A start and Finish. These markers are placed where the red crosshair is positioned on the map when you left click, or hit the A button on a controller.
Once two defined markers are placed, a breadcrumb trail will be generated between the two points using navigation data.
The time taken to travel between the two points, by car, will then be displayed.
This calculation assumes there is no traffic on any route.
Geolocation Tool
The Geolocation tool is used for two things. Moving to a location, and finding the address of a selected location on the map.
Moving to a new location
With the Geocode window open, by selecting the location icon, type in an address or point of interest into the search bar. Then press Return. You will be teleported across the map to that location.
A pin will be generated at the location in question
If there are multiple locations with the same name, you will be taken to the most popular result.
For example if you type Birmingham you may be teleported to Birmingham MA, USA rather than Birmingham England.
Finding the address data for a selected location
When using the Geocode Tool, left clicking or pressing the A button on a controller will place a marker beneath the red crosshair.
The location data for that marker will then be displayed on a banner that faces the player.
Layers are arguably the most powerful tool within ArcGIS, and enable you to view large amounts of data overlayed onto a basemap.
As an example, we will add 3 data files, and a 3D file around the New York area.
Adding a new Layer
Select the Layers tab, and click the plus icon in the top right of the window. This will open a menu.
Add in the following information into the Add Layer menu
Layer Name: New York Transit Frequency
Type: ArcGIS Image Layer
Source: https://tiles.arcgis.com/tiles/nGt4QxSblgDfeJn9/arcgis/rest/services/UrbanObservatory_NYC_TransitFrequency/MapServer
Opacity: 0.9
Leave the rest of the options alone, and press Add Layer
The layer will then be downloaded and overlayed across the basemap. You will notice this layer as various coloured shapes ontop of the layer, denoting how frequent subway trains stop at these locations.
You’ll also notice in the Layer’s panel we now have the layer we just created at the top of the list.
You can delete this layer by selecting the trash icon, or hide it by clicking the Eye Icon.
Proceed to add the following additional layers.
Layer 2 - New York Industrial Areas
Layer Name: New York Industrial Areas
Type: ArcGIS Image Layer
Source: https://tiles.arcgis.com/tiles/nGt4QxSblgDfeJn9/arcgis/rest/services/New_York_Industrial/MapServer
Opacity: 0.6
Layer 3 - New York Population Density
Layer Name: New York Population Density
Type: ArcGIS Image Layer
Source: https://tiles.arcgis.com/tiles/4yjifSiIG17X0gW4/arcgis/rest/services/NewYorkCity_PopDensity/MapServer
Opacity: 1.0
Layer 4 - New York Buildings [3d]
Layer Name: New York Buildings
Type: ArcGIS 3D Object Scene Layer
Source: https://tiles.arcgis.com/tiles/P3ePLMYs2RVChkJx/arcgis/rest/services/Buildings_NewYork_17/SceneServer
Opacity: 1.0
Once those layers are added, your layout panel should look like the image below. With the data shown in the scene.
Saving Layers
When you have some layers setup in your scene, you can click the save Icon (the floppy disc Icon) to write the layers to an XML file. This xml file also includes the basemap layer that’s in use.
Click the Save Icon, and a browser window will popup.
Navigate to a suitable location
Give your file a name, ending with .xml
Click Save
Loading Layers
To load layers into the scene, it’s best to start with a ‘clean slate’ by deleting all the layers currently in the scene uisng the Trash icon next to each layer.
Once the layers panel is ‘empty’ click the folder icon to open the file browser.
Navigate to a previously saved layers xml; select it, and then press Load.
This will add all the layers into the current map, and change the basemap too.
I have an Issue!
For issues with Igloo ArcGIS, please contact myadvocate@igloovision.com or use the help desk. A ticket will be generated for you, and an appropriate member of our tech support team will contact you as soon as possible to assist you with your problem.
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(c) Igloo Vision Ltd. 2023