Gilgamesh Kairos3D

Gilgamesh Kairos3D

Kairos3D is an industrial digital twin software platform, designed to provide training for various roles within many heavy industry sectors.

Kairos is installed only when a client has purchased it directly from Gilgamesh, and is launched using the Module Launcher tool

It’s filled with dense interactivity, and requires an Xbox controller or Igloo Touch to function

Starting Kairos3D

Kairos can be started by using Gilgamesh Module Loader which can be launched from Igloo Home or ICE home, or directly from the Start menu.

When module loader starts, it may ask to authenticate your license. This process might be different depending on your license type.

The above example of Kairos has a K3D 3Phase-Separator module licensed, and with this being the Igloo installer of Gilgamesh at the bottom on the left hand side you can see the IglooVision Dome option for the Display System.

Ensure that Igloovision Dome is selected, and click Run.

Viewing Kairos3D’s output

Within ICE (or Igloo Capture)

Add a new Spout layer and select the GilgaEquirect input.

Add a TruePerspective adjustment layer

The output should now be on the screen correctly.

If it doesn’t look right, please contact Igloo Support, or your Igloo advocate.

Controlling Kairos3D

Kairos3D is controlled exclusively using an Xbox controller, with the configuration below:


For more detailed information on how to control Kairos3D click the Help button on the Module Launcher Application.


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(c) Igloo Vision Ltd. 2023