Projector control
The Warper is capable of sending messages, over a variety of protocols, to enable remote control of a group of projectors. This is typically done at set up and usually needs no reconfiguring.
Turning on Projector Control:
IglooWarperMainSettings.xml, stored in %localappdata%\"Igloo Vision"\IglooWarper, must be edited to enable projector control:
Warper main settings:
<useProjectorControl>0</useProjectorControl> indicates that projector control is off where <useProjectorControl>1</useProjectorControl> indicates that projector control is on.
Projector settings:
The above screenshot is an example projector control file. In most cases the default settings are correct for projector communication. Consult an Igloo representative if you have trouble controlling the projectors with these settings. The projectors to control, however, do need to be defined. This is done inside the <projectors></projectors> tag. Each projector IP needs to be nested in a <projector></projector> tag as the below code snippet indicates.
Controlling the projectors via TouchOSC
TouchOSC contains a page in the current layouts tilted Projector. This page contains all the controls that the Warper can use to interact with projectors.
The majority of the above buttons actually refer to the type and format of 3D offered by various projectors. Clicking a button here sends a message to each projector defined in the projector control xml
3D Mode Off, DLP-LINK & IR are all different 3D states that a projector can be in. In Igloo’s standard 3D installation, the mode is IR, and in 2D, should be 3D Mode Off
Frame Seq, Top/Bottom, SBS and Frame Packing are different 3D Formats. Standard format for 3D video playback is SBS
3D Sync Invert Off/On determine which "eye" of a 3D piece is being shown at what time -this can correct the 3D effects looking pronounced in the wrong way.
Projector on & off are standby controls for the connected projectors
For Projector On to function, projectors need to be set to receive network messages while on standby. This varies from projector to projector but commonly take the form of “Eco mode” or “Network standby”
OSC messages for projector control
These can be found in the Warper files inside OSCProtocol.txt
"/projector/3DOff" - takes no arguments, set projector 3d off
"/projector/3DOn" - takes no arguments, set projector 3d on
"/projector/DLP" - takes no arguments, set projector to DLP
"/projector/IR" - takes no arguments, set projector to IR
"/projector/FrameSequential" - takes no arguments, set projector mode to frame sequential
"/projector/TopBottom" - takes no arguments, set projector mode to top to bottom
"/projector/SBS" - takes no arguments, set projector mode to side by side
"/projector/FramePacking" - takes no arguments, set projector mode to frame packing
"/projector/InvertOff" - takes no arguments, set projector inversion off
"/projector/InvertOn" - takes no arguments, set projector inversion on
"/projector/Close" - takes no arguments, close projectors
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(c) Igloo Vision Ltd. 2023