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v1.3 Example 2 - Igloo Prefab

In the Example 1 scene, the IglooManager prefab creates an instance of the Igloo Prefab and parents it to itself.

There may be a case where you want to have the Igloo prefab already in the scene; This could be for any of the below example reasons, or another reason entirly:

  • Adding custom components to the Igloo Prefab

  • Using the prefab in scripts, or part of other game management systems.

  • Disabiling parts of the Igloo prefab, like the main camera, or UI system.

  • Changing how the main camera views the world by modifiying it.


  1. Find the Igloo Prefab in the same Prefabs folder as the Igloo Manager, and drag it into the scene.

  2. For simplicity and continuity, we like to add the prefab as a parent of the Igloo Manager, as this ensures that it becomes part of the Don’tDestroyOnLoad system.

  3. Finally, drag the version of the Igloo prefab you have in the scene, onto the Igloo variable of the Igloo Manager, like the image below.

Press Play!

At this point, you can hit play and a 360 camera array will be generated using the Igloo camera system already in the scene.

It will still make the correct camera output and modify the camera system, as per the IglooSettings.xml. It just won’t create a new one on Start.

The IglooPreview application can be used to view the output.

(c) Igloo Vision 2020