Private & Confidential
v1.2.21 Scripting Reference
- 1 IglooManager Prefab
- 1.1 IglooManager.cs
- 1.1.1 createOnAwake
- 1.1.2 saveOnQuit
- 1.1.3 cameraPrefab
- 1.1.4 followTransform
- 1.1.5 igloo
- 1.1.6 CreateIgloo
- 1.1.7 RemoveIgloo
- save
- 1.1.8 SaveSettings
- 1.1.9 GetNetworkManager
- 1.2 NetworkManager.cs
- 1.1 IglooManager.cs
- 2 Igloo Prefab
- 2.1 DisplayManager.cs
- 2.1.1 headManager
- 2.1.2 cameraPrefab
- 2.1.3 displays
- 2.1.4 sharingName
- 2.1.5 useCompositeTexture
- 2.1.6 useFramepackTopBottom3D
- 2.1.7 textureShareMode
- 2.1.8 useCubemapToEqui
- 2.1.9 HorizontalFOV
- 2.1.10 VerticalFOV
- 2.1.11 Setup
- 2.1.12 GetSettings
- 2.1.13 CreateDisplays
- 2.1.14 RemoveDisplays
- 2.1.15 SetDisplaysEnabled
- 2.1.16 GetCameras
- 2.2 PlayerManager.cs
- 2.2.1 playerName
- 2.2.2 UsePlayer
- 2.2.3 headManager
- 2.2.4 movementInput
- 2.2.5 movementMode
- 2.2.6 rotationInput
- 2.2.7 rotationMode
- 2.2.8 crouchMode
- 2.2.9 SmoothTime
- 2.3 FollowObjectTransform.cs
- 2.1 DisplayManager.cs
IglooManager Prefab
A prefab which contains the following scripts, IglooManager.cs, and NetworkManager.cs. The prefab should be included somewhere in your scene, it is set to DontDestroyOnLoad
Manges all things Igloo and has the following properties and functions
IglooManager.cs is a static class which can be accessed from other scripts like so
Igloo.IglooManager manager = Igloo.IglooManager.Instance;
Type: boolean, Default is enabled
When enabled CreateIgloo() is called on Awake().
Type: boolean, Default is enabled
When enabled any settings changed during runtime are saved on application close or on the destruction of IglooManager.cs
Type: Unity GameObject - Default is unassigned
Assigns a camera prefab allowing camera effects to be applied, see the cameraPrefab property of DisplayManager.cs for more information.
Type: Unity Transform- Default is unassigned
Optionally assign a Transform for the camera to follow, by default only the position if followed and rotation is ignored. This can be changed using the FollowObjectTrasform.cs script attached to the Igloo prefab
When assigned the Igloo player system will be disabled.
Type: Unity GameObject - Default is unassigned
Advanced - Not for general use. This should only ever be assigned in the Editor when creating/testing new camera configurations.
public void CreateIgloo (GameObject parent = null, Transform follow = null)
Creates the Igloo prefab which loads an XML settings file IglooSettings.xml for the configuration of a custom camera system and optional player system to allow playback of your Unity project within an Igloo System. If no settings file is found then default settings will be generated.
An optional parameter which allows to the Igloo prefab instantiated by the function to be parented to the given object. If unassigned the prefab will be parented to the IglooManager GameObject.
An optional parameter which assigns the followTransform property
public void RemoveIgloo(bool save = true)
Removes the Igloo prefab from the scene if it exists
Optional parameter to specify whether current settings should be saved before removing.
Saves current settings to the IglooSettings.xml
Returns the NetworkManager component of the IglooManager prefab. Useful for adding and handling custom message receivers.
Manages network message sending and receiving using the Open Sound Control (OSC) messaging protocol. Default ports are Sending: 9001, Receiving: 9007. These can be changed in the IglooSettings.xml.
This NetworkManager.cs class is dependant on the extOSC package, which is available for free on the asset store but has been included for convenience.
Type: OSCReceiver
OSC receiver class used to handle incoming messages. oscIn can be accessed and used in your own code to add additional functionality. Refer to the extOSC documentation for full usage.
Type: OSCSender
Same as a receiver but for sending messages.
Type: int
Receiving port
Type: int
Sending port
Igloo Prefab
A prefab which contains the following scripts, DisplayManager.cs, and PlayerManager.cs
Creates and manages Display objects also allowing the following optional functionality
Compositing - multiple camera render textures can be combined into a single texture
Cubemap conversion - multiple cameras render textures can be processed to perform cube map to equirectangular conversion
Texture Sharing - resulting textures can be shared via the TextureShareUtility
Type: HeadManager
HeadManager.cs class, used for specifying head position, head tracking and 3D eye spacing
Type: GameObject
This allows you to define a camera that contains extra components or variables that you would like to use for all Igloo Cameras that are created by this script.
This is very useful for camera-based effects, as most are only applied to the main camera and not globally to all cameras in the scene.
Note - watch out for incompatible camera and image effects. Especially important if you’re converting a complex, pre-existing Unity project, is being aware of certain camera tricks and effects that do not play well in the 360 formats. This is likely to include camera-aligned particle systems and billboards, certain types of anti-aliasing and depth reliant effects such as depth-of-field. There are of course many 3rd party effects that we have not tested for compatibility, so careful testing is the best approach.
Type: List<Display>
List of Display objects created by the Display manager.
Type: string
Sharing name if textureShareMode is enabled
Type: bool
When enabled a single render texture will be created, it’s resolution will be the combined resolution of cameras defined in Displays. This texture will be assigned as the target texture for every camera with appropriate viewport settings.
Note - the setting is ignored if useCubemapToEquirectangular is enabled
Type: bool
When either useCubemapToEquirectangular or useCompositeTexture are enabled and the 3D is being used, the resulting textures for the left and right eyes can be combined into a single texture, left on top, right on the bottom.
Type: TextureShareMode enum
When either useCubemapToEquirectangular or useCompositeTexture are enabled and multiple Display textures are composited into a single texture, the method for sharing the resulting texture is specified using this enum
NONE- do not share
SPOUT - share texture via Spout
NDI - share texture via NDI
Type: bool
Enables Cubemap to Equirectangular system, assumes Displays have been configured appropriately with Cubemap faces assigned.
Type: float
When useCubemapToEqui is enabled. This is the range of angles covered by the render on the horizontal axis. Use 360° for a full render, 180° for a half-sphere, and so on.
Type: float
When useCubemapToEqui is enabled. This is the range of angles covered by the render on the horizontal axis. Use 360° for a full render, 180° for a half-sphere, and so on
Setup Display manager and create Display object using DisplaySettings
Returns DisplaySettings, used by serialiser for saving settings
Removes current Displays if they exist and creates new Displays based on DisplayItem array parameter
Destroys all Display objects
Sets the enabled state for all Display cameras
Gets all cameras from all Display objects. Useful for modifying camera properties e.g
Type: string - Default is 'player'
Player name. Used to process player events for correct player. The default should only be changed if more than one player is being used.
Type: bool
Sets player system enabled state. When enabled followObjectTransform will be disabled automatically.
Type: HeadManager
Igloo head manager object, used for setting the player orientation
STANDARD : player movement is controlled using the default Unity input settings
GYROSC: player movement is controlled via OSC networks messaging from GyrOSC app
WALKING: gravity enabled, colliders enabled
FLYING : gravity disabled, colliders enabled
FLYING_GHOST: gravity disabled, colliders disabled
STANDARD: player rotation is controlled using the default Unity input settings
WARPER: player rotation is controlled via OSC network message from IglooWarper application
IGLOO_360: display rotation is static and does not follow the player's rotation, optimal settings for a standard 360-degree Igloo structure
IGLOO_NONE_360: display follows the rotation of the player in the y-axis but is static in the x-axis. Optimal for non-360 igloo structures
GAME: display follows the rotation of the player in both x and y-axis, like a standard gaming control system.
Type: CROUCH_MODE enum
ONE: Movement is unbound between crouch Min and crouch Max. meaning the character can freely move between those values and will not move on its own.
TWO: Movement is bound via a spring interpretation between the input value (clamped by crouch Min and crouch Max.) and 0.
However the initial input is not 'sprung' meaning you can freely, and quickly, crouch, but you will then spring back to standing when you stop crouching.
THREE: Movement is bound via a spring interpretation between the input value (clamped by crouch Min and crouch Max.) and 0. Spring force is always calculated.
Type: float
takes a float value to set the rotation smoothing amount. 1 is much smoothing, 10 - is no smoothing
This Script allows you to set the 360 camera to follow any object in the scene, including all aspects of its transform data. The advantage of also being able to follow only certain aspects of this T=ransform data is also extremely useful.
e.g: Following a 3rd Person camera, with X,Y,Z movement, but only following Rotation Y, allowing for slight tilt in the camera to make it seem more.
Example usage
Enable object following
Disable object following
Object Transform:
Type: Transform | Default Setting: null
The transform of the object you wish the camera rig to follow.Follow Position:
Type: Boolean | Default Setting: true
Should the camera rig follow the ObjectTransform's position?Follow Rotation:
Type: Boolean | Default Setting: false
Should the camera rig follow the ObjectTransform's rotation?Follow Scale:
Type: Boolean | Default Setting: false
Should the camera rig follow the ObjectTransform's scale?Position Vector:
Type: Enum | Default Setting: XYZ
This is what position axis the camera rig will follow. Other options are:XYZ
Rotation Vector:
Type: Enum | Default Setting: XYZ
This is what rotation axis the camera rig will follow. Other options are:XYZ
Scale Vector:
Type: Enum | Default Setting: XYZ
This is what scale axis the camera rig will follow. Other options are:XYZ
Position Offset:
Type: Vector3 | Default Setting: 0,0,0
Sometimes you will want to offset the position that the camera rig is following. This is usually when the camera rig is not high enough as it follows the pivot of an object, not its centre.
This allows you to offset the position permanently.
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(c) Igloo Vision 2020