(1.3.0) CenarioVR

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(1.3.0) CenarioVR

CenarioVR (https://www.cenariovr.com/) is a powerful and easy-to-use virtual reality training tool that enables you to drive engagement, retention, and performance.


This integration is built by the CenarioVR development team supported by the Igloo application integration team. The integration enables the 360 video output to be displayed in a suitable format for Igloo immersive spaces. The integration can be activated using a URL parameter.

ICE Session

From version 1.3.0 onwards, your ICE installation will have a ready-made session in the content library called ‘CenarioVR’.

If the session is not there, then you can import it from C:\ProgramData\Igloo Vision\IglooCoreEngine\example sessions\CenarioVR

This session loads an example health training scenario. Press the Play > button to start the scenario.

Example health training scenario.

Interaction is made by clicking the UI elements directly on the ICE Canvas using ICE Control Panel > Mouse > Cast or in the Desktop UI by selecting in either the Canvas or Layer preview tabs.

URL Parameters

The following URL template may be used to auto join a scenario in igloo mode:

https://cenariovr.com/app/#/view?<scenario id>&igloo=1

This URL works for published scenarios by including the scenario id and igloo=1 enables igloo mode.

Detailed Session Setup

Create a WebView and set the URL to https://cenariovr.com/app/#/ . This will display the login page.


Once logged in, you will be able to select from your own scenarios as well as public and shared scenarios.

Browsing large selection of public scenarios.

Select a scenario and it will be loaded into the browser.

Scenario selected and loaded.

Append ?igloo=1 to the end of the URL. The scenario is now displayed as a cubemap.

Make the following changes to the ICE layer to display the cubemap correctly. Untick the Dynamic Resolution option and set the WebView resolution to be 6000 x 1000. Untick the Show UI option.

Finally, add the Cubemap to Equirectangular and TruePerspective effects so that the cubemap will display correctly in the Igloo.

WebView layer with properties for CenarioVR.

Save the WebView layer as an ICE Session so it can loaded easily next time.

I have an Issue!

For issues with the CenarioVR integration, please contact myadvocate@igloovision.com or use the help desk. A ticket will be generated for you, and an appropriate member of our tech support team will contact you as soon as possible to assist you with your problem.


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(c) Igloo Vision 2020