(1.3.0) Avatour

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(1.3.0) Avatour

Avatour (http://avatour.com) is the 360° video communication platform enabling teams to collaborate on site - virtually.


The Igloo-Avatour integration enables the 360 video output to be displayed in a suitable format for Igloo immersive spaces. The integration can be activated using a button in the Avatour user interface and it can also be specified with a URL parameter.

ICE Session

From version 1.3.0 onwards, your ICE installation will have a ready-made session in the content library called ‘Avatour’.

If the session is not there, then you can import it from C:\ProgramData\Igloo Vision\IglooCoreEngine\example sessions\Avatour

After loading the Avatour ICE session, select 360 movies and screenshots from the assets list on the left hand side.

Assets view in Avatour.

For instance, select the Museum Tour asset and view the 360 tour.

Museum tour example asset.

URL Parameters

The following URL template may be used to auto join a session in igloo mode:

https://avatour.live/autojoin?s=<session id>&user=<user name>&igloo=1

The s parameter is the session id, the user parameter is the user name and igloo=1 enables igloo mode.

Detailed Session Setup

When connected to an Avatour session, the button bar at the bottom of the screen has a button called ‘Enable Igloo’. When this is enabled, any 360 content which is shared will be rendered as a cubemap. This can then be viewed in an ICE WebView and have the Cubemap to Equirectangular and TruePerspective effects applied.

Create a WebView and set the URL to https://avatour.live/join . Enter your name in the Your Name field and enter your meeting code. Then press the Join Meeting button.

WebView with URL for joining an Avatour meeting/session.
Logged in and ready to join the meeting.
Meeting display with content, participants and options.

Once in the meeting, select one of the Workspace files e.g. the Museum Tour. This will display as an orbitview style of 360 movie, allowing you to move the camera view by click-dragging the left mouse button over the content.

Museum Tour shown in orbitview style.

Next, click on the More button at the bottom of the screen and select ‘Enable igloo’ from the pop-up menu.

Enabling Igloo mode from the More menu.

The 360 content is now displayed as a cubemap.

Museum Tour shown in cubemap style.

Make the following changes to the ICE layer to display the cubemap correctly. Untick the Dynamic Resolution option and set the WebView resolution to be 6000 x 1000. Untick the Show UI option.

WebView with fixed resolution.

Finally, add the Cubemap to Equirectangular and TruePerspective effects so that the cubemap will display correctly in the Igloo.

WebView with effects applied.


Further Reading


360° Video Collaboration Platform | Avatour


Avatour support site is here.

Some get-started links:

I have an Issue!

For issues with the Revizto integration, please contact myadvocate@igloovision.com or use the help desk. A ticket will be generated for you, and an appropriate member of our tech support team will contact you as soon as possible to assist you with your problem.


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(c) Igloo Vision 2020