Private & Confidential
(1.0.0) Content Bank
A Content Bank is a special type of Layer which stores references to other Layers within a Bank
Each tile in the grid can be used to launch a Layer within the Content Bank.
Creating a Tile
To add content to a tile, right-click on the tile and select Load. This pops up the Load Content window, where a Media File can be selected from. Once selected, the tile is updated with the filename. The Content Bank layer will also trigger the media to be displayed.
You can also drag local media files directly onto a tile from Windows explorer
Clearing a Tile
To clear a tile, right-click on the tile and select Remove
Editing a Tile
To Edit a tile, right-click on the Tile and select Edit.
ICE uses a breadcrumb trail system, shown in green below, to identify which Tile within the Content Bank is currently being selected for editing. The Layer settings panel, shown in red can then modify the settings for the currently selected Tile
The view tabs can be used to select between the available previews, in this example
Shows the output of the entire Workspace canvas containing every Layer
Shows how the Workspace canvas will look when displayed on the screen.
Example Content Bank
Show the output of the Content Bank Layer.
Shows the output of just the Bunny layer, before it is drawn to the Content Bank
Once you have finished editing, use the breadcrumb to return to the Content Bank Layer
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(c) Igloo Vision 2020