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(1.0.0) Desktop UI Overview
The ICE Desktop UI is comprised of four main parts.
The Canvas view is where all Layers are drawn and can be managed from.
The grey border within the Canvas view represents the Canvas region, objects placed outside of the Canvas region will not appear within the output.
Canvas Navigation
Zooming - middle muse button scroll
Reset Zoom - middle mouse button press
Pan - right mouse drag
Layer List
The Layer List view displays all of the layers contained within the Workspace. The order of the layers within the Layer list view dictates which order they are drawn to the Canvas.
Layer Settings
The Layer Settings view contains all the settings for the currently selected layer. The view is split into two sections, the left section shows generic settings which are the same for all layer types, the right section shows setting specific to the selected Layer type.
Main Menu Bar
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(c) Igloo Vision 2020