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Canvas UI - Viewing YouTube 360 Movies
YouTube supports hosting of 360-degree movies. A special type of Igloo Core Engine layer can be used to view these movies across the whole Igloo canvas. This layer type can also be used to view non-360 and 3D movies. This tutorial shows how to find and display a YouTube 360 movie.
Non-embeddable Movies
Some movies are restricted from embedding and these are not viewable using this layer. They can, however, be viewed in the normal way using a WebView.
Tutorial Video
Add a WebView
(You can ignore this step if you still have your YouTube WebView from the previous tutorial.)
Create a new WebView Layer using the Canvas Toolbar Add Content > New > WebView. Set the URL of the Webview to .
Find and select a YouTube 360 movie
Enter ‘360 movies’ in the search field in YouTube. Select one of the 360 movies from the search results.
TIP: Virtual Reality - YouTube ( has a great selection of 360 video samples
Display a YouTube 360 movie
The WebView will detect that a YouTube video is playing, and a ‘View in 360’ button will be added to the WebView toolbar. Press this button to open the video in 360 mode.
The video can be paused and played using the in-context GUI. This can also be used to scroll to different points in the movie.
Next Section: Canvas UI - Video Conferencing
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(c) Igloo Vision 2020