The Igloo Player Pawn

Private & Confidential

The Igloo Player Pawn

Included with IglooUnrealToolkit_v1.1-ue5.0.1 → present

To get the most out of an Igloo system, we have designed our own player pawn that uses Open Sound Control messages to control it’s direction and a crosshair.

This allows for a much more fluid system of control, that results in a player using the entire space within a 360 structure rather than focusing on a central experience.

Whilst we encourage the use of the Igloo Player Pawn, when building content for 180 degree structures, we have found that a standard player pawn, using an Xbox controller, along with Follow Rotation on the Z axis set to true, achieves the best result.

Adding the Igloo First Person Pawn to your Project

  • Open your World Settings (Window → World Settings)

  • change the Game Mode Override to IglooGameMode

  • Copy the Input.ini config, from the Saved → Config → WindowsEditor folder, into the same folder within your project.

This will overwrite any Input axis / mappings you may have already created. If you have created some, I would advise opening the ini with a code editor and manually copying across ours.

Adding the Igloo Flying Pawn to your Project

  • Open your World Settings (Window → World Settings)

  • change the Game Mode Override to IglooGameMode

  • change the Default Pawn Class to IglooFlyingPawn

The flying pawn is our legacy version. It uses the same code, but was created from scratch. The new FirstPerson system is created with the Unreal Character/Pawn backend, so it should be much easier to integrate into a project.

To have a flying pawn, we would recommend modifying the IglooFirstPerson blueprint, to be a flying character instead.



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(c) Igloo Vision 2020