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Adding the Igloo 360 Camera System
The final step in the addition of the Igloo Plugin is to add the Igloo Plugin Content Folder to the Content Browser
Adding Igloo Content to Browser
In your open Content Browser click Settings
Ensure Show Plugin Content is turned on
Add Igloo 360 Camera Rig to Scene
The last step is easy:
Grab the Igloo360CameraRig blueprint from the Content Browser, and drag it into your scene.
You can now save the scene, and be able to test it.
It automatically follows the active camera in the scene, so unless you need to adjust it, you can now press Play
For more information on configuring the camera rig, please view the page Configuring Igloo 360 Camera
Testing Igloo 360 Camera Rig
Within the IglooUnrealToolkit package, you should have been given an installer for a small application called Igloo Preview.
If you install that, by following the installation wizard, and then run it from the start menu, you will be able to see the output that is sent to the Igloo software from the Igloo360CameraRig within your Unreal level.
Arrange your windows so that you can see both the preview window, and the unreal window at the same time.
Stretch out the Igloo Preview window so it’s around 8:1
Press Play on the Unreal Editor
In Preview, click Receive → IglooUnreal
You should now see the Output of the camera system, live.
(c) Igloo Vision 2020