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Create a 2D Camera System
Do not use the Igloo Toolkit, in the way the rest of this guide recommends.
Instead follow this small guide:
Create a new Render Texture somewhere in your Assets.
Name it whatever you want, but give it a size of 8000px by 1000pxIglooMat Render TextureAttach a SpoutSender.cs to your main Camera GameObject.
Change the Capture Method from Camera to Texture, and Add your new Render Texture to the Texture slot. Also, change the output name to something understandable.
In the Camera component, add your Render Texture to the Target Texture slot, and change the projection mode to Orthographic, with a size of 1. Set the Target Display to Display 2
This should have now created and extremely wide camera, with an 8000x1000 output, that when played can be viewed in the Igloo Preview Application.
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(c) Igloo Vision 2020