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Control Panel UI - Introduction
Igloo Control Panel provides a control method for Igloo Immersive Spaces and runs on Windows, iOS and Android operating systems.
You can download Igloo Control Panel directly from the Apple AppStore onto iPhone and iPad.
For Windows and Android, the installer can be accessed from the Igloo Core Engine Help menu > Get Control Panel..
This will open a webpage with links to download the installer.
Connecting to a Media Player
The device running Igloo Control Panel must be on the same network as the Igloo Media Player.
When Igloo Control Panel starts up, it attempts to find a nearby IMP and will display the name of an IMP that it finds and connects to.
The Settings tab can be used to connect to a different IMP. Either select from the list of available clients (IMPs) or type in the IP address of the required IMP.
Mouse Tab
Once connected to an IMP, the control panel screen should appear as below with the Mouse tab active and a ‘Start casting’ button displayed.
Press the ‘Start casting’ button and move the on-canvas cursor using the touchscreen or locally connected mouse. The cursor can now be used to control the Canvas User Interface, see . Press the Escape key or ‘Stop casting’ button to return to the Mouse tab page.
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(c) Igloo Vision 2020