Private & Confidential
(1.1.0) Layer API
Description | URI message | Arguments |
| The path segment of the message | Note: id and name arguments are optional. You use one or the other to target a layer. If you don’t use any of them the command will be used on the selected layer. Most argument values are in string format unless other specified. |
Layer Manager messages | ||
Removes all layers that are not pinned | layer/removeUnpinnedLayers | Removes all layers that are not pinned |
Enable, select and bring to front the home layer | layer/enableHomeLayer |
Common Layer messages | ||
Set position of layer | layer/setPosition | "name" |
Set size of layer | layer/setSize | "name" |
Set scale value of layer | layer/setScale | "name" |
Set aspect ratio mode of layer | layer/setAspectRatio | "name" |
Set resize mode of layer | layer/setResizeMode | "name" |
Set position mode of layer | layer/setPositionMode | "name" |
Set layer to a layout | layer/setLayout | "name" |
Set layer to a region within layout | layer/setRegion | "name" |
Set custom ratio value x,y of layer id/name | layer/setCustomRatio | "name" |
Set start crop values of layer | layer/setStartCrop | "name" |
set size of crop area for layer | layer/setCropSize | "name" |
reset layers geometry | layer/resetGeometry | "name" |
Enable/disable layer visiblity | layer/setEnabled | "name" |
Set layers clear colour | layer/clearColour | "name" |
Add renderpass to layer | layer/addRenderPass | "name" |
Delete render pass | layer/removeRenderPass | "name" |
Move render pass up in hierarchy | layer/moveRenderPassUp | "name" |
Move render pass down in hierarchy | layer/moveRenderPassDown | "name" |
Pin layer | layer/pin | "name" |
Create new layer of given type | layer/create | "index” - new layer is created after the index of a valid layer. |
Select layer | layer/select | "name" |
Delete layer | layer/delete | "name" |
Move layer up in the hierarchy | layer/moveUp | "name" |
Move layer down in the hierarchy | layer/moveDown | "name" |
Import layer from xml, given path | layer/import | “path” |
Export a layer to given path | layer/export | "name" |
Change name of layer | layer/changeName | "name" |
Change type of layer | layer/changeType | "name" |
Set values of invert shader pass | layer/invert | "name" |
Set values of inputTranslation shader pass | layer/inputTranslation | "name" |
Set values of fishEye shader pass | layer/setFishEye | "name" |
Maximize geometry of layer | layer/maximise | "name" |
Stretch geometry of layer | layer/stretch | "name" |
Draw border around selected layer | layer/drawSelectedLayerBorder | "value": “0” or “1” |
| layer/insideLayerMouseControl | ”value”: “0” or “1” |
Generate preview of layer | layer/generatePreview | "name" |
Generate template of layer | layer/generateTemplate | "name" |
Set path for executable to be run when layer is loaded | layer/setExecutable | "name" |
Reset geometry | layer/reset | "name" |
Clears all layers | layer/clear | - |
Bring layer to front | layer/toFront | "name" |
Send layer to back | layer/toBack | "name" |
Canvas UI enter crop mode | layer/beginCropMode | "name" - string |
Canvas UI toggle transform widget | layer/toggleTransformMenu | “value" - bool |
| layer/updateRegioned | "layoutIndex" - int |
Toggle visibility of layer canvasUI | layer/toggleLayerUI | "id" - string |
Description | URI message | Arguments |
| The path segment of the message | Note: id and name arguments are optional. You use one or the other to target a layer. If you don’t use any of them the command will be used on the selected layer. Most argument values are in string format unless other specified. |
Image Messages | ||
Description | URI message | Arguments |
| The path segment of the message | Note: id and name arguments are optional. You use one or the other to target a layer. If you don’t use any of them the command will be used on the selected layer. Most argument values are in string format unless other specified. |
Video Messages | ||
Description | URI message | Arguments |
| The path segment of the message | Note: id and name arguments are optional. You use one or the other to target a layer. If you don’t use any of them the command will be used on the selected layer. Most argument values are in string format unless other specified. |
Spout Messages | ||
Description | URI message | Arguments |
| The path segment of the message | Note: id and name arguments are optional. You use one or the other to target a layer. If you don’t use any of them the command will be used on the selected layer. Most argument values are in string format unless other specified. |
NDI Messages | ||
YouTube 360
Description | URI message | Arguments |
| The path segment of the message | Note: id and name arguments are optional. You use one or the other to target a layer. If you don’t use any of them the command will be used on the selected layer. Most argument values are in string format unless other specified. |
YouTube 360 Messages | ||
Description | URI message | Arguments |
| The path segment of the message | Note: id and name arguments are optional. You use one or the other to target a layer. If you don’t use any of them the command will be used on the selected layer. Most argument values are in string format unless other specified. |
WebView Messages | ||
Set the URL | setURL | url (string) |
Set the resolution of the web page, note that this may be different to the rendered Layer resolution | setSize | width (int)height (int) |
When enabled the underlying resolution of the browser will be updated whenever the scale of the layer changes | setDynamicRes | value (bool) |
When enabled the frame rate of a WebView can be set independently of the ICE application framerate. | setUseCustomFPS | value (int) |
Target FPS when Use Custom FPS is Enabled | setCustomFPS | value (int) |
Adds a shortcut to the shortcut system | addShortcut | address (string)label (string) |
Igloo Web
Description | URI message | Arguments |
| The path segment of the message | Note: id and name arguments are optional. You use one or the other to target a layer. If you don’t use any of them the command will be used on the selected layer. Most argument values are in string format unless other specified. |
Igloo Web Messages | ||
Content Bank
Description | URI message | Arguments |
| The path segment of the message | Note: id and name arguments are optional. You use one or the other to target a layer. If you don’t use any of them the command will be used on the selected layer. Most argument values are in string format unless other specified. |
Content Bank Messages | ||
Description | URI message | Arguments |
| The path segment of the message | Note: id and name arguments are optional. You use one or the other to target a layer. If you don’t use any of them the command will be used on the selected layer. Most argument values are in string format unless other specified. |
Composition Messages | ||
Description | URI message | Arguments |
| The path segment of the message | Note: id and name arguments are optional. You use one or the other to target a layer. If you don’t use any of them the command will be used on the selected layer. Most argument values are in string format unless other specified. |
DataPath Messages | ||
Description | URI message | Arguments |
| The path segment of the message | Note: id and name arguments are optional. You use one or the other to target a layer. If you don’t use any of them the command will be used on the selected layer. Most argument values are in string format unless other specified. |
Home Messages | ||
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(c) Igloo Vision 2020