Winter 2021 Release - Igloo Control Panel Setup
Additional Software Dependencies
Igloo-Cast-Sources Service
The Igloo-Cast-Sources service needs to be installed on the Igloo Media Server i.e. the server which is running the Igloo Warper application. This service interfaces with the core igloo applications, tracking their current state and providing a browser UI (embedded in Igloo Control Panel) to control aspects of the system, such as the sources tab, Warping app and YouTube app.
Meeting Set up
Meeting Modes
In the settings.xml file meetingMode adjusts how the Meeting tab UI is displayed, to account for different VC hardware configurations.
1 - Local VC
Assumes the VC application is running locally on the same device as Igloo Control Panel. Control panel will stream the video call via NDI into a persistent capture app channel.
Start Casting using the Cast Video Call button on the Meeting Tab. An NDI sender will now be streaming the selected Window or Display.
In Igloo Capture create a new capture channel which receives the NDI source from Igloo Control Panel, then change the Sending Name to VideoConference. Then set this channel to be persistent (see Persistent Channel Setup below)
2 - Single screen external VC
Assumes the VC application is running on separate hardware, which has a single video output being captured (via NDI or Hardware capture) as a persistent channel into the Igloo Capture application.
3 - Dual screen external VC
Assumes the VC application is running on separate hardware, which has two video outputs being captured (via NDI or Hardware capture) as persistent channels into the Igloo Capture application. The names of the capture channels should match the input name settings within the Igloo Control Panel settings.xml. Typically the first channel displays the VC gallery view and the second channel displays the active screen share.
Igloo Warper Canvas sharing
The Warpers NDI output can be used to stream a region of the warper canvas into a video call.
Use the following NDI settings within the Warper
Aspect Ratio - 16:9
Force 1080p - enabled
The mechanism of capturing the NDI output from the Warper to display in a Video call will depend on the VC hardware being used, some possible options are details below
Use a hardware NDI to HDMI convertor such as the Bird Dog mini to take the NDI output from the Warper and feed it into the VC hardware video input (usually used for Laptop screen sharing)
Local Display
Run the NDI Studio Monitor tool on a dedicated display, and capture this display into the VC system
Create Persistent Channel (see below) named YouTube in IglooCapture. Set its input type to YouTube using the following settings
URL localhost:800/youtube/display/
Resolution 7680 x 3840
Autoplay True
Auto Max Quality True
After pressing ok change input name to YouTube (uppercase Y and T)
click set
Right click on window and set to persistent
Within the Settings > Other, set the 360 Mode setting. If you are using the Perspective Output Effect on the YouTube channel set this to Perspective, otherwise leave as default.
If the name of this persistent channel is changed, it additionally needs to be updated in C:\igloo\igloo-cast-sources\config.json
- the default reads "youTubeCaptureName": "YouTube"
In the Igloo Warper CaptureInputs.xml file that can be found in Help - Global, add a new Capture input setting and set the inputName to YouTube
Important - Close warper before you save CaptureInputs.xml
Persistent Channel Setup
A persistent channel will remain available even when loading different Capture .ivc files or starting a new Capture project.
A persistent channel will always have the same Capture Input name within the Warper, this allows the draw order to be fixed. Setting the Capture Input channel to be Pinned in the Warper means it can be kept active when switching back to IglooHome, useful for video calls.
Video Conference
Open Control panel, warper and Capture app
In control panel cast a video call and select a window
open capture app and in any window select Input - NDI and select the video call you made on control panel
At the top of the window change input name to VideoConference (uppercase V and C )
select set
Right click in window and set to persistent
In the Igloo Warper CaptureInputs.xml file that can be found in Help - Global, add a new Capture input setting and set the inputName to VideoConference
Important - Close warper before you save CaptureInputs.xml
In warper select Layers - capture inputs - VideoConference and tick Pinned
Keyboard and Mouse control
Local keyboard and mouse events can be used to control various aspects of the Igloo System
Igloo Home
Set controller type to igloo-cast.
Igloo Web
Requires no additional configuration
Unity based Realtime applications
Within the IglooSettings.xml file of a Unity application apply the following settings, which will allow the player rotation and movement to be controlled using via Control Panel
Filtering the Sources tab
Specific Capture inputs can be excluded from the Sources tab if required (e.g. you could remove the Video Conference channel, so it’s only able to be manipulated from the meeting tab).
To do this, edit the sourcesURLPostFix
line in Igloo Control Panel's settings.xml and provide a comma-separated list of Capture channel names as an 'ignore' URL parameter. For example:
This would stop the Sources tab from rendering any Capture channels named VideoConference
or AnotherChannelName
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(c) Igloo Vision Ltd. 2023