CenarioVR (https://www.cenariovr.com/) is a powerful and easy-to-use virtual reality training tool that enables you to drive engagement, retention, and performance.
The Igloo-CenarioVR integration enables the 360 video output to be displayed in a suitable format for Igloo immersive spaces. The integration can be activated using a URL parameter.
ICE Session
From version 1.3.0 onwards, your ICE installation will have a ready-made session in the content library called ‘CenarioVR’.
If the session is not there, then you can import it from C:\ProgramData\Igloo Vision\IglooCoreEngine\example sessions\CenarioVR
This session loads an example health training scenario. Press the Play > button to start the scenario.
URL Parameters
The following URL template may be used to auto join a scenario in igloo mode:
https://cenariovr.com/app/#/view?<scenario id>&igloo=1
This URL works for published scenarios by including the scenario id and igloo=1 enables igloo mode.
Detailed Session Setup
Create a WebView and set the URL to https://cenariovr.com .
The 360 content is now displayed as a cubemap.
Make the following changes to the ICE layer to display the cubemap correctly. Untick the Dynamic Resolution option and set the WebView resolution to be 6000 x 1000. Untick the Show UI option.
Finally, add the Cubemap to Equirectangular and TruePerspective effects so that the cubemap will display correctly in the Igloo.
I have an Issue!
For issues with the CenarioVR integration, please contact myadvocate@igloovision.com or use the help desk. A ticket will be generated for you, and an appropriate member of our tech support team will contact you as soon as possible to assist you with your problem.