This is a breakdown of the Unreal Camera System, and what is possible to be adjusted.
Create on Awake
Type: Boolean | Default: true
Creates the 360 camera system on Begin Play. If you would like to script the plugin to output only after a certain condition is met, disable this, and write a script to activate the functions within Begin Play on the Igloo Manager.
Follow Object
Type: Actor | Default: null
Place an Actor component here, for the camera system to follow.
Full Equirectangular
Type: Boolean | Default: false
When false, the output is a 8000x1000 panoramic texture.
When true, the output is a 8000x4000 equirectangular full sphere.
Spout Output Name
Type: Name | Default: IglooUnreal
The name of the spout source sent to the Igloo Warper / ICE
Type: Float | Default: 2.2
The Output gamma for the render textures and spout sender
Exposure Compensation
Type: Float | Default: 0.0
Adjusts the exposure value of the camera system. This is the most adjusted setting, as it can vary widely from level to level.
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