This is a breakdown of the Unreal Camera System, and what is possible to be adjusted.
Desired FPS
Type: FPS | Default: 30
Changes the set FPS of the game, we have found that 30fps is best for realtime content.
Type: Float | Default: 1.0
The Output gamma for the render textures and spout sender
Capture Source
Type: Enum <SceneCaptureSource> | Default: Final Color [HDR] in Linear sRGB gamut
How the cameras should capture the scene, and store it in a render texture to send to the Igloo System.
Choices with Alpha produce sub optimal results in the Igloo software, use the preview app whilst adjusting this value.
Set Defaults Automatically
Type: Boolean | Default: True
For the Igloo Structure Type, if true, all the default values will be set on play. Overwriting any changes made.
Igloo Structure Type
Type: Enum <IglooCameraType> | Default: Curved Wall
Specifies how the camera system should output. Choices are:
Flat Wall - Will create a full 360 cubemap output using the Cube camera system
Curved Wall - Will create an equirectangular output using the Stereo camera system
Object to Follow
Type: Actor | Default: null
Place an Actor component here, for the camera system to follow.
Follow Object
Type: Boolean | Default: false
Follows the actor that is played in the Object to Follow slot.
Follow Rotation
Type: Boolean | Default: false
The camera will mimic the rotation of the object is its following, based on the rotation axis multiplyer, when true.
Follow Camera
Type: Boolean | Default: true
The camera system will follow the current active camera in the level.
Rotation Axis Multiplyer
Type: Vector3 | Default: 0, 0, 1
Changing this multiplyer will make the camera system copy the rotation of the actor that it is following.
Rotating the Igloo Camera can produce nausiating effects. Please be carefull using this feature.
Best to only have it active for cutscenes.
Eye Seperation
Type: float | Default: 3.0
The amount of seperation between the left and right eye when 3D is active
Igloo 3D Active
Type: Boolean | Default: false
When active, creates double the amount of cameras within the scene. This will cause a significant performance overhead.
Equirectangular Output
Type: Boolean | Default: True
Uses an equirectangular shader to merge the output of the stereo cylindrical camera system into a single texture
Equirectangular Resolution
Type: Vector2 | Default: 8000x4000
The texture size for the render textures to be created and then sent to the Igloo warper via Spout
Equirectangular Spout Name
Type: Name | Default: UnrealCam
The name of the Equirectangular spout sender, this is what you’ll find in Receiver, or under External Application Inputs, on the Igloo Preview app, and warper app.
Cylindrical Camera
Camera Count
Type: integer | Default: 4
The amount of cameras for the cylindrical camera system to create. We have found 4 is the best for most projects.
Camera Spout Name
Type: Name | Default: UnrealCam
The prefix for the spout senders for each camera (if not using equirectangular)
Igloo Radius
Type: float | Default: 360
The radius of the Igloo structure, 360 is most common.
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