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This is a breakdown of the Unreal Camera SystemIgloo Manager component, and what is possible to be adjusted.


Create on Awake

Type: Boolean | Default: true


Place an Actor component here, for the camera system to follow.


Exposure Compensation

Type: Boolean Float | Default: false

When false, the output is a 8000x1000 panoramic texture.

When true, the output is a 8000x4000 equirectangular full sphere.

Spout Output Name

Type: Name | Default: IglooUnreal

The name of the spout source sent to the Igloo Warper / ICE


Type: Float | Default: 2.2

The Output gamma for the render textures and spout sender

Exposure Compensation

Type: Float | Default: 0.0

Adjusts the exposure value of the camera system. This is the most adjusted setting, as it can vary widely from level to level10.0

The cameras adjust their exposure separately to global exposure, and adjusting this value adjusts how much light the cameras pickup when capturing the scene.

Use Igloo Crosshair

Type: Boolean | Default: true

Spawns the Igloo Crosshair actor on Begin Play. Disable this if you’re using a custom player.