Window Settings
Window Settings are configured in the ScreenWindowSettings.xml, typically found at
C:\ProgramData\Igloo Vision\IglooCoreEngine\settings
Multiple output Windows can be configured, with each Window displaying a subsection of the Workspace Canvas.
<windows> <window> <winXPos>1920</winXPos> <winYPos>0</winYPos> <winWidth>1920</winWidth> <winHeight>1080</winHeight> <startX>0.000000000</startX> <startY>0.000000000</startY> <subWidth>0.000000000</subWidth> <subHeight>1.000000000</subHeight> </window> <window> <winXPos>3840</winXPos> <winYPos>0</winYPos> <winWidth>1920</winWidth> <winHeight>1080</winHeight> <startX>0.500000000</startX> <startY>0.000000000</startY> <subWidth>0.500000000</subWidth> <subHeight>1.000000000</subHeight> </window> </windows>
The X position of the top left corner of the Window in screen coordinates
The Y position of the top left corner of the Window in screen coordinates
The width of the window in pixels
The height of the window in pixels
The starting X position of the canvas subsection to be drawn into the window, in normalised coordinates i.e. 0-1
The starting Y position of the canvas subsection to be drawn into the window, in normalised coordinates i.e. 0-1
The width of the canvas subsection to be drawn into the window, in normalised coordinates i.e. 0-1
The height of the canvas subsection to be drawn into the window, in normalised coordinates i.e. 0-1
Warping & Blending
The Igloo Warper application can be used to generate warp & blending files which are applied to ICE’s Output windows.
Within the Igloo Warping menu navigate to Config > High Performance Warping > ICE > Export Warping file.
The export may take some time depending on the number of displays and their resolution. The Warping files are exported to C:\ProgramData\Igloo Vision\IglooCoreEngine\warping