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Playing Game Engine content with Igloo Showroom
The igloo warper can input multiple spout channels from Unity or Unreal, to view within the igloo. However, to use it within Igloo showroom additional steps are required.
Additionally, using the warper, Igloo Showroom, and another Unity/Unreal application, is a lot of overhead for a single machine. So it is advisable to run the warper + your application on one machine, and then run igloo showroom on another and employ NDI to steam the warper feed to Igloo Showroom.
On both computers, install IglooShowroom.exe, you will only use it on one machine but the additional pieces of software are required.
On the Unity/Unreal computer, download and install SpoutToNDI from HERE
Ensure that both computers are:
Connected to the same LAN network, preferably high speed (1gb/s)
Have their firewalls set to Private
Have all programs involved added as an exception to the firewalls (This is the main cause of it not working. Everything has to be an exception on both Private and Public)
Opening Programs
Showroom Computer
Plug in your VR headset, if using it.
Start Igloo Showroom, and Teleport over to the input selection panel.
Unity/Unreal Computer
Start Igloo Warper
Start Spout to NDI
Configuring Spout to NDI
On the Unity / Unreal computer, 99% of the time, the WarperCanvas should be the default spout sender detected by Spout to NDI. However, if it isn’t and it grabs a different spout sender; Right-click the SpoutToNDI window, and select WarperCanvas.
If you’re not seeing WarperCanvas as a selection, you may not have Spout Sender active in the warpers Config menu.
Sending the Unreal / Unity application
Start your Unity/Unreal application, and wait until it gets to the point at which it starts sending Spout.
On the Unity/Unreal machine, on the Igloo Warper click Receiver Inputs and then External Application Inputs and you should see either UnityCam or UnrealCam. Select that, and click Enable.
Receiving into Igloo Showroom
Your Unity/Unreal application will now be:
Sending Spout to the Igloo Warper
The warper will be contacting 5 spout signals into a single WarperCanvas spout signal.
SpoutToNDI will then take the WarperCanvas spout signal, and convert that to NDI which will be sent via LAN to the Igloo Showroom PC.
Now, in Igloo Showroom, you should be able to see a Blue button on the Input Selection panel. This will be the NDI feed, and once selected, it will display in the Igloos. (it may take 10 seconds for the NDI stream to become selectable.)
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(c) Igloo Vision 2020