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Camera Components Explained

How to use this Document

The best way to use this document is like a reference guide, searching by component or setting that you wish to learn more about.
To learn the basics of how to use the plugin check the First Time Setup Page which will provide a good foundation of the main installation.

The Igloo 360 Camera Rig

The camera rig is the main component of the igloo camera system

It creates:

  • n Cameras (n2 for 3D)
  • Rotated at n/360 degrees from each other.
  • Emitting n separate streams of content. One per camera.
    • OR
  • Emitting a single stream of content for all cameras, in Standard or Equirectangular format.

It contains the following components:

  • Igloo 360 Camera Rig (Blueprint)
  • Sphere (Static Mesh)
  • OscReceiver (Blueprint)

Configuration for different Igloos

This is now set by default by changing the camera type.

Dome TypeFull DomeCylinder
Camera TypeCubeCylinder
Dome Radius360300

Clip Top

Clip Bottom360100

Igloo360CameraRig (self)

Default Settings

  • Eye Separation:
    Type: Float | Default Setting: (3.0)
    The amount of eye separation that will be applied to 3D cameras. This spaces the cameras within the 3D pairs relative to the value supplied here.

  • Alter Quality 3D:
    Type: Boolean | Default Setting: false
    Adjusts the image quality when 3D is enabled.

  • Alter Res in 3D:
    Type: Boolean | Default Setting: true
    This adjusts the resolution to accommodate 3D.
  • Igloo 3DActive:
    Type: Boolean | Default Setting: false
    Sets 3D on by default, this will be actively adjusted.
  • Gamma 1080:
    Type: Clamped Float | Default Setting: 2.2
    The gamma at high-resolution settings.

  • Gamma 720:
    Type: Clamped Float | Default Setting: 2.2
    The gamma at low-resolution settings.

  • Sync Camera Render:
    Type: Boolean | Default Setting: false
    Syncs the 10 cameras together, so they don't send spout feeds on different threads.

  • Camera Type:
    Type: Enumeration | Default Setting: Standard
    This enum specifies how the camera system will send the spout image. Currently, their is only two options
    1. Cylinder:
      This setting means the camera will send an 8000x1000 unwrapped cylindrical strip in per camera outputs or as a single spout feed using full-frame mode
    2. Cube:
      In 'cube' mode, the camera system sends a 9600x1080 equirectangular image using a single spout feed, which enables Full Dome support.
  • Use Igloo Custom Capture Actors:
    Type: Boolean | Default Setting: false
  • Cylinder Warp Y:
    Type: Float | Default Setting: 1.0
    The amount of 'warping' applied to the Y-axis of the cylinder (this adds a curve to the axis turning it into a spherical camera)

  • Half Pixel Height in Stereo:
    Type: Boolean | Default Setting: true
    This adjusts the resolution height to accommodate 3D.


  • Object to Follow:
    Type: Actor | Default Setting: empty
    If you would like to follow a specific actor, please place it here. If you have FollowObject set to true you must assign something here, or you will get errors.

  • Follow Object:
    Type: Boolean | Default Setting: false
    This will stop the camera from following the IglooPawn, and instead follow the ObjectToFollow.

  • Follow Rotation:
    Type: Boolean | Default Setting: false
    This will follow the rotation vector of the object, as well as the position. This means if the player spins so will the 360 camera. Please use this wisely as it can
    easily cause motion sickness.
  • Follow Camera:
    Type: Boolean | Default Setting: true
    This is to enable the following of the Igloo Pawn or the main scene camera. this may seem superfluous but you may want a static camera in your scene, and this
    would enable you to place the camera and not have it move.

  • Rotation Axis Mult:
    Type: Vector 3 | Default Setting: 0.0 x 0.0 x 1.0
    This adjusts how much rotation is applied to the camera based on the input rotation from the FollowRotation boolean.

  • Follow Offset:
    Type: Vector 3| Default Setting: 0.0 x 0.0 x -50.0
    This adds a permanent offset to the camera based on the object it's following. Useful when you are following a pawn, but its axis is located at the pawn's feet, so
    you can add +50 height to get the camera to follow at 'head height'.

Rendering, Replication, and Input

These are standard object components for an Unreal Actor.

If you would like to learn more about these, please visit the Unreal Academy Actors Documentation


  • Dome Radius:
    Type: Float | Default Setting: 300.0
    The arbitrary width of the dome you are displaying the content on.
    Use 300 for Cylinder, and 360 for Equirectangular Dome.
  • Clip Top
    Type: Float | Default Setting: 528.318542
    The point on the vertical pixel height at which the curve begins for the top of the dome.
    Use 528 for Cylinder, and 360 for Equirectangular Dome.
  • Clip Bottom:
    Type: Float | Default Setting: -100.0
    The point on the vertical pixel height at which the curve begins for the bottom of the dome.
    Use -100 for Cylinder, and 360 for Equirectangular Dome.

Full Frame Render

  • Full Frame Mode:
    Type: Boolean | Default Setting: true
    With this set to true the output of the camera system will be a single Spout feed based on resolution provided in FullFrameResHigh.
  • Full Frame Res High:
    Type: Vector 2 | Default Setting: 9600 x 1080
    A canvas will be created at this resolution, where the camera feeds will be positioned, in order. This will then be parsed to Spout and sent.
  • Full Frame Res Low:
    Type: Vector 2 | Default Setting: 6400 x 720
    In low-resolution mode, this is canvas size used for sending the camera feeds via Spout.
  • Full Frame Canvas Render Target:
    Type: Texture2D | Default Setting: null
    Used for Debugging, displays the texture currently being sent to spout.
  • Full Frame Spout Name:
    Type: String | Default Setting: IglooWeb
    The output name of the Spout signal. Igloo web is the default as this will be picked up by the warper in 99% of cases without configuring anything.
  • Use Canvas Render:
    Type: Boolean | Default Setting: true
  • Use Default Dome Values:
    Type: Boolean | Default Setting: true
    Instead of manually typing values for Dome Radius, Clip Top, Clip Bottom, Res High, and Res Low, this works everything out for you depending on whether you have Cube or Cylinder selected.

Cylindrical Camera

  • Number of Cameras:
    Type: Integer | Default Setting: (4,5,6)
    The number of cameras that will be created by this camera system (doubles this amount for 3D)
  • Camera Name:
    Type: String | Default Setting: UnrealCam
    The prefix of the Spout stream when it is created.

Cube Camera

  • Use UE40mni Directional Stereo:
    Type: Boolean | Default Setting: true

  • Use Dome Occluders:
    Type: Boolean | Default Setting: true

Actor, Collision, LOD, and Cooking

These are standard object components for an Unreal Actor.

If you would like to learn more about these, please visit the Unreal Academy Actors Documentation

The Igloo Flying Pawn

This is our base pawn class for use with the Igloo system.

It contains the following components:

  • Igloo Flying Pawn (Blueprint)
    • StaticMesh (Static Mesh)
      • Head (Static Mesh)
        • Camera (Camera)
          • Crosshair (Skeletal Mesh)

  • OscReceiver (Blueprint)

IglooFlyingPawn (self)


  • Speed:
    Type: Float | Default Setting: 200.0
    The speed to which the camera will move around.
  • Walk Speed:
    Type: Float | Default Setting: 200.0
    The speed to which the camera will walk around.
  • Run Speed:
    Type: Float | Default Setting: 400.0
    The speed to which the camera will move when running.
  • Movement Mode:
    Type: Enumeration | Default Setting: Ghost
    This enum specifies how the Pawn will move.
    1. Flying:
      The Pawn will move in all directions and is unaffected by Collisions, and Gravity.
    2. Ghost:
      The Pawn will move in all directions and is unaffected by Gravity.
  • Rotation Input:
    Type: Enumeration | Default Setting: XIMU
    This enum specifies how the Pawn is controlled by the user.
    1. XIMU:
      The pawn receives rotation input via OSC of XIMU commands sent from the Igloo Warper.
    2. Standard:
      The Pawn receives rotation input from the Mouse

(c) Igloo Vision 2020