(1.4.0) Kairos3D Gilgamesh

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(1.4.0) Kairos3D Gilgamesh


Kairos3D software platform, http://www.kairos3d.it , lets you easily manage and effectively deploy high-value interactive 3D solutions. Kairos3D develop software tools that allow users to easily navigate and interact within a 3D space where the data react in real-time inside a specific context (real or symbolic), and in which data live and evolve to generate readable information.

Gilgamesh is an advanced agnostic software platform for multi-purpose 3D industrial Digital Twins. Its visual tools can be used by anyone, with no need of programming skills. With Gilgamesh you can manage and maintain, by yourself, a 3D interactive Digital Twin built on top of your 3D asset.

See the video:



The integration is developed by the Kairos3D development team with support from the Igloo application integration team.

Production version 4.0 Build 2203.1 or later is recommended. This version includes equirectangular output.


The application is started using a batch script.

Create a Spout layer type in Igloo Core Engine and set the On Add Batch and On Remove Batch scripts in the Misc tab. Add the TruePerspective effect and, when the IndustrialPlayer.exe is running, select the Spout sender name.

Example KairosBatch.bat

This batch file changes directory to the location of the Kairos bin folder. Then it launches the IndustrialPlayer.exe application with command line options.

cd "C:\Gilgamesh\4.0 Build 2212\bin" IndustrialPlayer --igloo --window 100 100 1366 768 --project "K3D 3-Phase Separator DT Demo" --module "Global Module" --scenario "Free Roaming"

Example KairosClose.bat

This batch file makes sure the IndustrialPlayer.exe is closed down when the session is cleared.

taskkill /im industrialplayer.exe


There is a configuration file called config.json in the data\Config folder e.g. C:\Gilgamesh\4.0 Build 2212\data\IndustrialPlayer\Config . This contains Igloo specific settings.

// igloo related settings "igloo": { "debugRender": false, "useGyrOsc": true, "oscPort": 9007, "calibrationPort": 9001, "oscResetButton": 9, "pitchReset": -10, "pitchRealExcursion": 20, "selectionDistance": 5, // GUI settings specific for Igloo "guiWidth": 1366, "guiHeight": 768, "guiPanelWidth": 4.0, "guiPanelDistance": 3.0, // cameras setup "useEquirectangular": true, "cameras": [ { "name": "UnityCam1", "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "hfov": 72, "headOffset": 0 }, { "name": "UnityCam2", "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "hfov": 72, "headOffset": 72 }, { "name": "UnityCam3", "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "hfov": 72, "headOffset": 144 }, { "name": "UnityCam4", "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "hfov": 72, "headOffset": 216 }, { "name": "UnityCam5", "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "hfov": 72, "headOffset": 288 } ] },


Kairos3D Gilgamesh in Igloo Core Engine.

I have an Issue!

For issues with the Gilgamesh integration, please contact myadvocate@igloovision.com or use the help desk. A ticket will be generated for you, and an appropriate member of our tech support team will contact you as soon as possible to assist you with your problem.

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(c) Igloo Vision 2020