(1.3.0) Audio Window

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(1.3.0) Audio Window

The Audio Settings window is opened via the toolbar Config > Audio Settings



Every audio capable Layer will show within the sources menu, where the volume and mute settings can be configured. These settings are also available within the Playback tab of the Layer.


Layer types which can contain multiple sublayers, such as Compositions or Clip Banks, will have an Audio Bus, providing independent audio controls for the Bus and its sources.

Channel Mappings


When audio sources are routed to the output device, the channel mappings dictate how the channels will be mapped. By default,

  • A 5.1 signal is routed to a 5.1 bus, as a 1:1 mapping

  • A 5.1 signal is routed to a stereo bus, by downmixing to stereo.

Output Device


ICE supports WASAPI and ASIO audio devices. Select the output device from the list.

Please notice:

  1. On some systems, then a bug within the audio driver has been identified, that causes only ICE to output audio, blocking the audio from other apps. This issue is caused by the audio driver, forcing the audio device to enter exclusive mode, when ICE is registering the installed ASIO devices. This issue is not depending on whatever an ASIO audio device is installed or not.

  2. For multiuser systems, where multiple users is logged in at the very same time, then it’s recommended to disable the ASIO interfaces as stated below. Using ASIO audio devices in setup’s like these, then ICE can crash - due to the exclusive nature of ASIO.

For systems, where this issue is happening, then open the audioSettings.xml. Go to the <output> tag, and change the attribute disableAsio=”0” to disableAsio="1". This will force ICE to only use the Windows WASAPI audio devices, by disabling the ASIO devices in ICE.

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(c) Igloo Vision 2020