The Igloo Player Pawn is currently Under Construction, it will be released in version v1.1-ue5.0.1 in the coming weeks.
To get the most out of an Igloo system, we have designed our own player pawn that uses Open Sound Control messages to control it’s direction and a crosshair.
This allows for a much more fluid system of control, that results in a player using the entire space within a 360 structure rather than focusuing on a central experience.
Whilst we encourage the use of the Igloo Player Pawn, when building content for 180 degree structures, we have found that a standard player pawn, using an xbox controller, along with Follow Rotation on the Z axis set to true, achieves the best result.
Adding the Igloo Player Pawn to your Project
Open your Project Settings
Nagivate to the Maps & Modes section
Change the Default Pawn Class to IglooFlyingPawn
This will spawn the pawn in the game world when you press start
Igloo Flying Pawn Blueprint