Software Required | Version | Icon |
Igloo Cast | 1.0 (DEV) |
Run the installer:
Press next, determine whether there should be a desktop shortcut:
Press next. Press install
Choose whether to install for all users or just me:
Press next, determine whether there should be a desktop shortcut:
Press next. Press install
As of this release, installing for all users is not supported. Look out for the next Igloo Cast release for that feature
Igloo Capture 3.1.0
As of the 3.1.0 release, the OfxHandshakesettings file installed with this installer (found in %localappdata%\”Igloo Vision”\Igloocast) should be copied to the IglooCapture data folder (found in C:\Program Files\Igloo Vision\IglooCapture3\data)
This will be done on install of any future IglooCapture versions