Metaverse Learning is a global leader in the transformation of education, learning and assessment through the use of Extended Reality (ER) including Virtual Reality (VR), Virtual Environments (VE) and Augmented Reality (AR). ) is a content provider for VR training and education.Igloo Integration/
See the video:
Igloo Integration
This integration is built by the Metaverse Learning development team supported by the Igloo application integration team. The integration enables the 360 video output to be displayed in a suitable format for Igloo immersive spaces.
Demo Scene
A demo scene is available here:
Create a new WebView layer and set the URL to the demo scene link above. Set the WebView to a fixed resolution of 8000 x 4000 resolution 4000px and apply the TruePerspective effect.
The content can be navigated and controlled using the Game Controller tab in Igloo Control Panel. Use the A button to select UI buttons in the scene and move the cursor using the gyro.
Launching the server locally
There is an option to host the server locally, if you are wanting to do this you will need to follow some steps:
Download the Metaverse Learning project.
Download some server hosting software of your choice ( - This one is extremely straight forward)
Choose the entire metaverse project folder folder to “Serve”, choose an available port, then press “Start” and “Launch Browser”.