VREX (www.vrex.no) makes your construction project's BIM, 3D models and point clouds available in VR. Step into the models for an intuitive understanding.
Installing Vrex, and launch in cave-mode
This integration is built by the VREX development team supported by the Igloo application integration team. The integration enables the 360 video output to be displayed in a suitable format for Igloo immersive spaces.
The latest version of VREX can be downloaded from https://www.
Install it.
Once installed a shortcut icon should appear on your desktop. Edit the shortcut icon, and add "-cave" at the end.
This will launch the app in the right mode
Log in with these credentials
username: demo@vixel.no
password: Vrex2024#
From there it should be only one option all the way ...
Project: "Vrex Demo Project #1"
Room: "Virtual Meeting Room"
Load/Enter/Start Cave
in order to display 360 output. Next sign in with email address and password.
Then select your Project and Room and press ‘Start Cave’.
This will load the 3D environment, and navigation can be made using W,A,S,D,Q,E keys
Contact rune@vixel.no if there are problems
There are settings for syncing the navigation to the Igloo view in Vrex:
In Igloo Core Engine, create a layer with type ‘Spout’. Select the sender called ‘IglooUnity’. If the output from VREX is equirectangular then add the TruePerspective effect.
The bottom-left of the VREX window has the settings. Press the figure icon which represents navigation. In the pop-up menu, press the Sync Cave button and select the ‘Cave follow position’ option. This will keep the position of the player in VREX, synchronised with the Igloo view.
I have an Issue!
For issues with the VREX integration, please contact myadvocate@igloovision.com or use the help desk. A ticket will be generated for you, and an appropriate member of our tech support team will contact you as soon as possible to assist you with your problem.