You can add command line arguments to the .exe for the model viewer to specify loading a model as soon as the application is opened. To do this simply add the “-loadModel” argument, followed by the path of the model you want to open. e.g:
-loadModel "C:\ModelViewer\ModelViewer-0.22\Igloo3DModels\Architecture\hintze_hall\scene.gltf"
Additional command line arguments
-presetModel [0-5] - Will automatically load the preset model from the specific slot. Example: “-presetModel 2” will load the skeleton model.
Templates can be used to set specific rotation, scale or translation values to an object whenever it is imported. To select a template simply use the drop down box and select from a existing one (not tested). To create you own, navigate to the StreamingAssets folder, and open an existing template, alter the values as necessary, and save it under a new template name. The template must be save with “config_” first. e.g: “config_[Your_Template_name].json”. The drop down box in Model Viewer Pro will auto populate with any files saved this way.