Please note these haven’t been extensively tested yet. There is also a work in progress USD(Z) importer.
How to load a model
Load Model
Selecting this will expand the “Load Model” menu:
From here there are six preset models that you can load to get a feel for how to use the software.
If instead you would like to load your own custom model, simply click the “Load Model from File” model” button at the top on the server display. After which you will shown a file browser to navigate to the desired location.
Load Model from File - Loads the desired 3D model from a location on the server.
Save Placement - Saves the rotation and scale of an object. (Will automatically load if the object is loaded back into the scene)
Load Skybox from File - Load a HDRI file as the skybox.
Object Scale - Change the scale of the object uniformly (x,y,z)
0.1x - Scale factors of 0.1-1.
10x - Scale factors of 1-10.
100x - Scale factors of 10-100.
Rotate - Quick rotate buttons.
X - Spin the object in the X axis 90 degrees.
Y - Spin the object in the Y axis 90 degrees.
Z - Spin the object in the Z axis 90 degrees.
Start Streaming bottom to load in your own model. If you would like to use this model consistently, you can use the “Save model” button to save and overwrite one of the existing preset models.
Once you have loaded a model, the buttons that are greyed out will become active.
Save Viewpoint
This will save the current orientation and scale of the model, meaning the next time you load it in, you will not have to apply the effects again.
Load Background
Here there are some preset backgrounds that you can select from. Alternatively, if you would like to upload your own equirectangular images (.png, .jpg, or .hdri) then you can click the “Load background” button to select a custom image to use.
It is recommended to use as high quality images as possible.
Remove Background
This button will simply remove any custom background you have loaded in and will return to the grey background.
Transform Model
The transform model tab will allow you to transform the model’s scale and rotation.
The buttons at the top (0.1x, 10x and 100x) will change the slider values from 0.1-1, 1-10, and 10-100 allowing you full control over the scale of the object.
The rotation buttons will allow you to quickly rotate an object in any of the axis by 90 degrees.
The reset button will reset all rotation and scale values back to the default.
Camera Movement
Camera movement will allow you to control the position of the igloo viewer from within a pop out menu. Simple press in the direction you would like to go and the camera will move in that direction until you press a different button, or press the same button again.
Jump to centre of the model will jump you to the centre most point of the model.
Viewing Mode
Viewing mode will allow you to change how you view the object.
Flythrough - standard ghost mode where you can fly in any direction wherever you cursor is facing.
Wrap - this will change the wrap within the space of the model, for example if you wanted to move the object onto a different wall.
Orbit - This will give you orbit controls so you can move relative to the centre of the object. Simple click and drag to orbit around an object.
Room Generation (Work in progress, but mostly working)
Room generation will allow you to create a room for your space given you have the exact room dimensions. Put in the values for the width, depth and height and you can generate a room with the correct perspective.
Materials of the walls and floor can be changed by clicking the corresponding buttons.
You can also generate artwork for the room to give the feel of a virtual gallery. Simply put an image in the streamingassets folder names CustomArtwork1, CustomArtwork2 or CustomArtwork3 and they will appear in frames on the walls.
To do: Add additional parameters so image names can be extracted and shown on nameplates beneath the photo.
Render Streaming
Stream - Allows for the Model Viewer to be controller controlled from ICE Control Panel with a mouse and keyboard and same controls. This will need to be setup as an app in ICE Control Panel as a custom browser in custom_browers.json: