This example shows how to configure a Layer in ICE Igloo Core Engine to handle the output from a Unity / Unreal / 3rd Party application which is using the associated Igloo Plugin.
Give the sender an appropriate name
Step 2 -
Igloo Core Engine Layer Configuration
Create a Layer which matches the Output method of the Game Engine source, in this example we will assume Spout is being used.
Give the Layer an appropriate name.
Start the application to make the Spout output available to ICEIgloo Core Engine, then select the source from the Spout sender list.
As the output format is Equirectangular, applying the TruePerspective Effect will extract the correct perspective view for your screen.
Note |
An “on remove” script should not launch or let anything launched by “on add” keep running. This could prevent the ICE Igloo Core Engine app from closing properly. |
Step 4 - Save as a Session
See - Sessions - ICE Igloo Core Engine Documentation - Confluence (