Run the Built Unreal executable.
Add a Spout Layer and select IglooUnreal as the Sender
Within Effects, add the Cubemap to Equirectangular modifier, and then True Perspective modifer.
Within General, change the name to something appropriate
Within Misc, set the Exe path to your executables executable location and place the arguments you require in the Arguments box below.
CLI Argument: -iglooSenderName | Value: string | Default: IglooUnreal
Example: -iglooSenderName=IglooSpoutOut
Changing this value will rename the spout sender output that is sent to the Igloo software.
CLI Argument: -iglooNumCams | Value: integer | Default: 6 | Min: 0 | Max: 6
Example: -iglooNumCams=4
Changes the number of cameras that is generated to output to the large rendertexture render texture that then outputs to the Igloo software via Spout.
CLI Argument: -iglooSetResolution | Value: integer | Default: 1000 | Max: 2780
Example: -iglooSetResolution=1500
Adjusts the vertical output size (in pixels), which is then multiplied by 6 to achieve the horizontal output size.
The output of the camera system will always be 6:1.