The height and width values of each of the views which make up the projection scene are also calculated automatically. These are displayed below the Canvas Resolution as width, height pairs and labelled Left Resolution, Front Resolution, Right Resolution etc.
The Projectors tab presents settings which control the appearance of the test cards. It also defines how many projectors are used in the immersive space, which in turn, provides settings for a multi-window setup of ICE.
Grid Spaces, Grid Thicknessand Font scale are purely visual changes. A test card preview is at the bottom of the screen to help visualise the effects of changes.
Each Screen can also be edited to increase the number of projectors. To add a second projector to the left screen, for instance, we’d change the number of columns to 2:
Allows the exporting of the files generated. Exportwill produce the TruePerspective.xml filewhich should be placed in the Igloo Capture and IglooWeb folders, and will also produce the AppSettings.xml file and the test card image.
The output of Igloo Settings Tool is a camera settings configuration file, which can be used within the Igloo Software Suite. The following snippet contains an example of a camera settings file.
TruePerspective.xml File
The generated configuration file can be further edited and used to model and validate the geometry of the projection scene.