Casting Keyboard and Mouse
Select Config > Controller, press the ‘+' button and select 'Igloo Cast’.
The ICE Control Panel can be installed on another device, such as a laptop or PC, and then used as a controller for ICE.
Run ICE Control Panel and select the ICE server from the available list. On the Cast tab, press the ‘Start casting’ button.
Movements of the mouse will now drive the cursor position on the ICE canvas. Use the mouse to move around the canvas and interact with the layers. Using the ‘News Dashboard’ session, use the mouse to scroll the websites and click on any interesting links.
You can also use the mouse to interact with the immersive toolbar. Select the Layers button and hide/show the WebView layers. Use the Set to region menu to swap the positions of the WebViews.
Test the keyboard input by selecting one of the WebViews and changing its URL to www.google.co.uk.