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Igloo Capture


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Igloo Capture is an application that allows users to display a multitude of different content types on their Igloo, outside of the images and videos Igloo Warper is capable of directly ingesting. Igloo Capture allows for flexible generation of Capture Inputs with features like capturing regions of interest, alpha channel support and the ability to composite multiple capture sources into a single Capture Input.


Show input names: Adds the capture sources as a label on any inputs sent to Igloo Warper

Audio: the audio submenu contains further submenus for handling Sources, Channel mappings, Output device and Master volume. They are described in the Warper section here: Draft - Summer 2022 - Igloo Warper

Show/Hide Console: toggle the display of the console window.



360 Mode: choose between

Enable/Disable Auto Mute Disabled Channels: toggles the auto muting of audio when a channel is disabled. For example, a Capture channel may be displaying a video with audio on the Warper canvas. If the Capture channel is subsequently disabled, the video will continue playing but the audio will be automatically muted.

Enable/Disable Optimise Disabled Channels: toggles the preview of Capture channels when the channel is disabled to improve system performance.