Here is a description of the file contents:
System Settings
Code Block |
<SystemSettings vSyncMode="1" targetFPS="60" /> |
targetFPS: takes an int value to set the target framerate of the application
Player Settings
Code Block |
<PlayerSettings Name="player"> <usePlayer>true</usePlayer> <headtracking>false</headtracking> <rotationInput>0</rotationInput> <rotationMode>0</rotationMode> <movementInput>0</movementInput> <movementMode>0</movementMode> <runSpeed>10</runSpeed> <walkSpeed>5</walkSpeed> <smoothTime>10</smoothTime> <crosshairMode>0</crosshairMode> </PlayerSettings> |
2 - hide: crosshair not visible
Network Settings
Code Block |
<NetworkSettings> <inPort>9007</inPort> <outPort>9001</outPort> <outIP></outIP> </NetworkSettings> |
inPort: takes an int value to set the input port for network messages
outPort: takes an int value to set the output port for network messages
outIP: takes a string value to set the output IP address for network messages
Display Settings
The Display Settings can be used to define any number of Displays , which positioned and oriented to support any Igloo structure. The outputs of these displays can be shared separately via the textureShareMode options, alternatively, they can be processed into a single output using either useCubemapToEquirectangular or useCompositeTexture
useFramepackTopBottom3D: when either useCubemapToEquirectangular or useCompositeTexture are enabled and the 3D is being used, the resulting textures for the left and right eyes can be combined into a single texture, left on top, right on the bottom.
HeadSettings: position and rotation of the Head game object, part of the Igloo Prefab, cameras are parented to this.
Code Block |
<DisplayItem Name="Cam1"> <isRendering>true</isRendering> <fov>90</fov> <is3D>false</is3D> <isRenderTextures>true</isRenderTextures> <cubemapFace>0</cubemapFace> <renderTextureSize x="1000" y="1000" /> <textureShareMode>0</textureShareMode> <cameraRotation x="0" y="0" z="0" /> <nearClipPlane>0.01</nearClipPlane> <farClipPlane>1000</farClipPlane> <isFisheye>false</isFisheye> <fisheyeStrength x="0" y="0" /> <isOffAxis>false</isOffAxis> <viewportRotation x="-0" y="0" z="0" /> <viewportSize x="0" y="0" /> <viewportPosition x="0" y="0" z="0" /> </DisplayItem> |