Small paragraph explaining what is in the camera package. And an exploded view of how it all joins together.
- Explain what the Igloo360CameraRig component does
Drag the "Igloo360Camera_6" actor from Content > Igloo into your scene. This is the object which renders the 360 degree output and makes it available to the Igloo Warper Application.
On the details panel of the Igloo360Camera_6 there is a drop down selection named "Object to Follow" variable to the actor you would like the camera to which allows you to specify which actor in the scene the camera position should follow. Alternatively, untick if you uncheck "Follow Object" and the camera will follow the default player in the scene.
Adjusting the OSC plugin
OSC - go to Edit > Project Settings and scroll down Plugins > OSC. Set 'Receive From' to 9008, and set the Send target 0 to then select 'Set as Default'
Adjusting the Player
In your GameMode settings, set the DefaultPawnClass to be IglooFlyingPawn. You can use your own player pawn class, however the IglooFlyingPawn can be controlled using the Igloo Xbox controller which has directional tracking device.
Adjusting the Inputs
When using the Igloo pawn class you need to set up the input axis mappings. Go to Edit > Project Settings > Input and add two axis mappings named 1. "MoveRight" where 'D' key has scale value 1 and 'A' key has scale -1. 2. "MoveForward" where 'W' key has scale value 1 and 'S' key has scale -1.
** If you do not require the ability to manually control the movement of the camera you should skip this section **
There is a customised Igloo Pawn which can be used to control the movement of the camera. You can also use your own, however, the benefit of using the Igloo Pawn is that it supports controlling the orientation of the player using gyroscope data. This makes controlling the player very intuitive while standing inside an igloo as can be seen here. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4BAsDcbBoGhUDZielNMSFlCRTg
To use the Igloo Player Pawn: In your GameMode settings, set the DefaultPawnClass to be IglooFlyingPawn.