Import your canvas into the scene and set the render mode to "Screen Space - Camera"
Add a "Graphic Raycaster" component to your canvas if it does not have one.
In the asset browser go to "Assets->IglooToolkit->Resources->Prefabs->3D GUI"
Add "UICamera" prefab to your scene and add the camera to the canvas "Render Camera"
Add "Virtual Input Cursor" as the top child of your canvas.
Add "Virtual input Event System" to your scene.
Open the event system in the inspector. On the "Virtual Input Module" script add the cursor object to "Virtual Cursor" input, and add the "UICamera" to the "Canvas Camera" input.
If the UICamera does not have a "Target Texture", create a renderTexture and apply.
In the asset browser If there is not already an IglooManager prefab in your scene go to " Assets->IglooToolkit->Resources->Materials" and apply "3D_UI_Display" to the object that you want to display the UI. (If the render texture is not applied, apply it as the shader input)>Prefabs” and add one.
Open the Igloo Manager in the inspector then add your canvas to “UI Canvas“, add the Cursor to “UI Cursor“ and add your render texture to “UI Texture“
The “Example“ GameObject in the scene contains a script showing how the UI can be shown and hidden via scripting during Play.
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